Tuesday 18 September 2012


  National Association of Screen Make-up Artist and Hairdressers short NASMAH is the Uk association for professional make-up artists and hairdressers who work in film, television, theatre , fashion and photography.
It is a non-profit organisation which funds itself by member subscriptions and sponsorships.

What I think is very interesting is the short courses they offer on different things for example Finger waving or Period Hairstyles. These courses are designed to be in very low numbers to allow a
lot of one to one time and you really can learn and  understand what is shown to you.

One of the interesting links on their site is to Guru Makeup Emporium, a professional makeup shop based in London, supplying makeup, hair and special effects products to Makeup Artists, Hairdressers & S/FX artists in the TV, Film, Fashion and Theatrical industries around the world.

Run by makeup artists with over 20 years experience in the industry  they are aware of the difficulties of long hours, secluded locations and urgent orders, they aim to customise our service to everybodys individual needs and are more than happy to discuss all your requirements.With an extensive range of products for the serious professional from the latest in HD makeup to the most advanced silicone prosthetic technology, they are a good shop to go to or order from.

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